Dataset User

Role and Responsibilities of Dataset Users

  1. Paying Subscription Fees:

    • Dataset users pay a subscription fee to access the datasets they need. This fee contributes to the overall funding of the dataset ecosystem, ensuring ongoing maintenance and updates.

  2. Usage-Based Revenue Distribution:

    • The subscription fee paid by users is allocated to the specific datasets they utilize. This means that the revenue generated is directly proportional to the usage of each dataset, incentivizing the creation of high-quality, valuable data.

  3. Access Control and Records Management:

    • Access to the datasets is managed using a subscription token. This token system ensures that only authorized users can access the datasets and keeps track of usage, facilitating fair distribution of revenue to dataset creators and investors.

  4. Supporting the Ecosystem:

    • By paying subscription fees, dataset users play a crucial role in sustaining the ecosystem. Their contributions help fund the continuous improvement and expansion of datasets, benefiting all stakeholders involved.


Dataset users are essential participants in the data ecosystem, providing financial support through subscription fees. These fees are allocated to the datasets they use, encouraging the creation of valuable data. Access and usage are managed through subscription tokens, ensuring secure and fair distribution of resources.

Last updated