Reward Mechanism

Contributors and verifiers are paid k%k\% of the total Reward Pool at the end of every epoch. The reward per participant is dependent on their reputation at the time of submission/verification.

Dataset creator specifies the following values:

λc(0,1]\lambda_c \in (0, 1]: Reward multiple for contributors

λv(0,1]\lambda_v \in (0, 1]: Reward multiple for verifiers

Contributor Rewards

Let mim_ibe the number of submissions by contributor ii at the end of current epoch

Now for any submission jj,

rijr_{ij}: reputation of contributor ii while making submission j

CiC_i : reward for contributor ii

δj={1if j is accepted0otherwise \delta_j= \begin{cases} 1 &\text{if j is accepted} \\ 0 &\text{otherwise } \\ \end{cases}
Ci=λcj=1miδjrijC_i =\lambda_c\sum_{j=1}^{m_i} \delta_j r_{ij}

Verifier Rewards

Similarly for a verifier ii we can define rewards ViV_ias:

Vi=λvj=1mirijV_i = \lambda_v\sum_{j=1}^{m_i} r_{ij}

δj\delta_jensures that contributors are only paid out for the accepted submissions, while verifiers are paid for all of their respective submissions

Reward Tokens

Suppose there are MMcontributors and NNverifiers that made submissions in the latest epoch. Then total rewards RR,

R=i=1MCi+i=1NViR = \sum_{i=1}^{M}C_i + \sum_{i=1}^{N}V_i

Let FF: total FracFrac tokens being rewarded in the latest epoch

Cˉi\bar C_i: FracFrac tokens being rewarded to contributor ii

Vˉi\bar V_i: Frac Frac tokens being rewarded to verifier ii

Cˉi=FCiR\bar C_i = \frac{FC_i }{R}
Vˉi=FViR\bar V_i = \frac{FV_i }{R}

Suggested Hyperparameters

SymbolTypical Value(s)


5%5\% to 20%20\%




0.1λc0.1\lambda_c to λc\lambda_c