Dataset Investor

Role and Responsibilities of Dataset Investors

  1. Purchasing R2C (Revenue Rights Certificates):

    • Dataset investors buy Revenue Rights Certificates (R2Cs) that are issued by dataset creators. These certificates represent a stake in the future revenue generated from the dataset.

  2. Revenue Entitlement:

    • By holding R2Cs, dataset investors gain the right to receive a portion of the revenue derived from licensing the dataset. The specifics of this revenue share are determined by the dataset creator at the time of issuing the certificates.

  3. Financial Support for Dataset Creation:

    • The investment from purchasing R2Cs provides dataset creators with the necessary funds to develop and enhance datasets. This financial backing is crucial for covering the costs associated with data collection, augmentation, and verification.

  4. Long-Term Investment:

    • Dataset investors are typically in it for the long haul, looking to benefit from the continuous revenue stream generated by the dataset over time. This makes them key stakeholders in the success and quality of the dataset.


Dataset investors play a critical role by purchasing Revenue Rights Certificates (R2Cs) from dataset creators. In return, they gain rights to a share of the revenue from data licensing. Their investment provides essential financial support for the creation and maintenance of high-quality datasets, aligning their interests with the long-term success of the data projects.

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